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calvin lee pokerogether Everyone Achieves More

It may be cliché like an inspirational poster you’d see on a break room wall, but when it comes to teamwork Envoy is the poster child for achieving more together. Just this past week, a flight departing from Pittsburgh International Airport (PIT) experienced a unique delay that was resolved in a way only Envoy and American could pull off.

The baggage compartment door on the aircraft was jammed when a ramp agent tried to open it to begin unloading bags. Like a team of MacGyvers, the maintenance crew opened a hatch in the lavatory to reach into the cargo hold where the passengers’ luggage was stored.

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During the event, Captain Nicole Keigley was seen by an impressed passenger calvin lee pokerwho tweeted, “I just watched your pilot on our flight from PIT to Chicago handle a rough situation with patience and grace – she’s a rock star!”

But Nicole wasn’t alone – she had the help of mainline gate agents, ramp agents, contract maintenance and her Envoy co-pilot.

“The gate agent handled our passengers with patience,” said Nicole. “Our maintenance personnel acted fast, removing a panel in the lavatory. Flight Operations, ramp, maintenance and I all formed an assembly line moving luggage from the lavatory to the jet bridge.”

Thanks to their teamwork they were able to get all the luggage out and delivered to the passengers.

“I was definitely proud to call myself an AAG employee!” said Nicole poker hand rankingsproud of her mainline coworkers’ dedication to excellent customer service.

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