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When Envoy Station Agent calvin lee poker noticed an elderly man sitting in an awkward position near the ticket counters at Northwest Arkansas (XNA), she went over to check. That little act – being situationally aware and caring for customers around her – started a chain of events that saved the customer’s life.

IMG_XNA_Brookie_Julian_Real_American_Hero_September_2018-5When she approached the elderly couple, it became clear that the husband was experiencing a serious medical issue and required urgent assistance. With the help of Lead Agent Dave Bristow and Station Agents Billy Gale and Joel Shepard, Brookie helped the couple until medical assistance arrived. Once paramedics arrived, Billy and Joel helped clear a space to allow them to work and manage the crowd that had gathered to view the incident.

“Brookie wasn’t just focused on the job in front of her, but the people around her, too,” said Steve Shatsky, XNA General Manager. “Her situational awareness and readiness to help out made the difference that day.”

While paramedics assisted the customer for more than 30 minutes, Brookie helped console and support his wife. “She had her game face on and really stepped up to help everyone through this traumatic event,” added Steve.

But that’s not all – when Brookie finished her shift, she visited the customer in hospital to check on his condition and see the family again.

“We really bonded through this event,” said Brookie. “I don’t have much of a family and we’ve become close since this happened. It also turns out that I have the same birthday as him – I was born in 1983 and he was born in 1938. It’s almost as if this was meant to happen.”

Over the coming days, planning pokerBrookie and the Envoy team in XNA helped family members from across the country visit the customer in hospital. “I got to meet almost everyone, and everyone seemed to already know me,” added Brookie. “We’re even meeting up next weekend!”

On Friday, Sept. 21, the Envoy team in XNA gathered together to recognize Brookie with a Real American Hero Award, which comes with a $1,000 cash prize and a very special hero cape.

“Brookie was a hero that day,” added Steve during the event. “Her thoughtfulness and readiness to help really made a difference.”


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