
pmang poker

Jeannie is Envoy’s Director of Talent Development at Envoy Headquarters. Her team oversees training and development opportunities for employees all across Envoy.

IMG_PS_Jeannie_HernandezWhat is the best advice you’ve received?

I have two bits of advice I have received and live by every day:

  1. It’s not what happens to you, but how you react to it
  2. Service to others IS leadership

What do you enjoy about your current role?

My current role allows me to connect with people on an individual basis and help them realize their potential. Helping others to succeed and grow is very rewarding.

What does diversity mean to you?

pmang pokerEmbracing the varying perspectives, opinions, and customs of ALL people and knowing that diversity is not about differences but rather experiences shared and learned.

What might people not know about you?

I did not complete my college education, but never gave up on my learning! I read, attend webinars and have mentors to stay relevant in my area of expertise.

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