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After winning their first Customer Cup in 2Q18, the Envoy team in Aspen (ASE) were bowled over with excitement at hearing that they’d done it again in 3Q18. So how did they celebrate? With a trip to a local bowling alley!

IMG_ASE_3Q18_Customer_Cup-4Amid the evening of fun and festivities, Lead Agent planning poker shared some insight into the station. “Aspen can be a challenging station. Of course there’s the weather and we also have many elite status passengers. As a matter of fact on one flight we had 16 Concierge Key members! But adversity makes us stronger. We have a really good core group of people that have been here a while and we make sure to treat all passengers as premium customers.”

Station Agent Beth Waldrop agreed, adding “We have an exceptional team. Everyone does what it takes to make the situation work. We have a great culture and handle our high end customers who, of course, have high expectations.”

“Customers appreciate how well you take care of them,” said LAX Vice President, Deesha Desai during the station’s celebration. “You’re a team that really gets along, and it shows.”

“It’s a team effort – down to the communication between ticket counter and ramp – everyone is willing to help each other,” added Station Agent Natalia Mills.

Station Agent Carolyn Rowlett is relatively new to the team. “The team genuinely cares. They check on me and lift me up,” she said. “We have really good managers and everyone is very dedicated.”

Way to go, team ASE!


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