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Earlier this year, Envoy Vice President Flight pmang pokerOperations, Captain Ric Wilson invited 8 year-old Easton Fryer to join Envoy as a Pilot for a day after learning of his love for aviation, as well as his Congenital Heart Defect (CHD).

After months of planning, the day finally arrived for Easton and his family to travel from Missoula, Montana to Envoy Headquarters in Irving, Texas for the adventure of a lifetime. Alerted in advance by Envoy Crew Scheduling, the flight crew on the Fryer’s flight greeted Easton and treated him to a visit to the flight deck where Captain Mitchell Cox gave him a special gift: the wings off his uniform. Easton was ecstatic to receive this gift and meet a real life pilot!

A day to remember

On Friday, July 12 Easton, along with his older brother, Darton, and his planning pokerparents, visited the CR Smith Museum, American Airlines Integrated Operations Control Center and the American Airlines Training Facilities where he got to see, first-hand, a day in the life of a pilot. Envoy’s Capt. Justin Harris joined Easton in his journey, as well as Capt. Ric Wilson, and a representative from the American Heart Association of Dallas.

The visit concluded with a special surprise for Easton – A chance to “fly” a real-life, full motion E145 simulator. Easton’s day as an Envoy Pilot was full of adventure and will surely be one he remembers forever.

“The gleam in Easton’s eye and the smile on his face when he is in his pilot uniform and talking about airplanes says it all,” said Captain Wilson. “planning pokerEaston is a very special young man and we’re thrilled to have been able to bring his dream of becoming a pilot to life.”

Thank you to the Fryer family for joining us, as well as our friends at American Airlines and the Sheraton DFW for helping make a memorable trip for the Fryer family!

Click here to see more photos from Easton’s day in the life of an Envoy Pilot!

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