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In honor of Breast Cancer Awareness Month in October, we are highlighting a longtime Envoy employee, calvin lee poker, who was diagnosed with breast cancer almost ten years ago. We’ll learn more about her role at Envoy, why she thinks self-exams are important and her inspiration during her journey with breast cancer.

What is your Envoy story?

My story starts with longevity — I’ve been with Envoy for 32 years. I’ve worked as a Crew Scheduling manager, Crew Pay manager, Labor Relations Analyst, and then, now, in my current role as Labor Relations Counsel for Ground Employees.

My day first and foremost begins with coffee. My daily work includes negotiations, grievance hearings, collective bargaining agreement training/compliance for all of the ground unionized workgroups, arbitration preparation, investigations, and supporting the company on managing unionized employees while maintaining a positive calvin lee pokerworking relations with the union leaders.

What’s the significance of National Breast Cancer Awareness to you?

It’s important to be informed about breast cancer because early detection can save your life. No matter how old you are, it’s important to do frequent self-exams. Plus, getting yearly mammograms is crucial.

Early detection saved my life.


Who has inspired you during your journey with breast cancer?

My husband, kids, my parents, close relatives, and a few close friends were my inspiration during my journey with breast cancer. They were the true heroes during my journey.

My role model was my husband’s aunt who battled a form of very aggressive breast cancer. She always had the most positive attitude during her journey.

How do you like to educate others about Breast Cancer Awareness?

As stated above, I advocate for frequent self-exams and yearly mammograms. poker online freeLike I said, early detection saved my life, because I had no family history of breast cancer.

In June 2016, I had felt a lump while getting ready for a routine doctor’s appointment. I was trying to convince myself it was nothing.

I ended up showing my doctor who sent me for a mammogram and subsequent biopsy. By the end of June, I got the call that I had breast cancer.

My type of cancer was a fast-growing cancer, which meant had I not done the self-exam, my outcome would have been much worse.

Tell us one surprising fact about yourself that others may not know.

I love to fish, especially saltwater fishing, but I do not eat any seafood.

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