
BPT Wins Cup Number Three

poker hand rankings

Earlier this month, the poker hand rankings Jack Brooks Regional Airport (BPT) in Beaumont, TX came in early before their one-and-only aircraft turn of the day to celebrate their American Airlines Customer Cup win for the second quarter of 2024 (2Q24). This is the team’s third Cup win after winning in 4Q19, 2Q22 and now, 2Q24.

“I want to thank my team for always being so involved and for taking pride in their work,” said poker hand rankings BPT General Manager Damarilis Lopez. “poker hand rankings win was absolutely a group effort, and I’m so proud of us all for working together to bring another trophy home.”

Speaking of a group effort, the poker hand rankings team couldn’t see this kind of success alone, and they were sure to include other employees from all across the airport in their celebration, including our colleagues at the TSA and the Jack Brooks Regional Airport management team..

“You all have very high performance numbers, and that’s something to be very proud of,” said poker hand rankings Senior Vice President of Customer Services John Jaynes. “Make sure you thank the other partners here at BPT who contributed to poker hand rankings excellent win.”

Under the current schedule, the poker hand rankings BPT sees only one DFW turn flight per day. Sounds simple, right But that means that one missed turn, delayed departure or mishandled bag has a greater impact on the station’s numbers. With only one opportunity a day to bring in and send out an aircraft, the performance on the metrics that determine the quarterly winners of the Customer Cup – on-time departures and turns, baggage handling (MBR) and general customer service – are all the more important.

“It’s a very close margin, so much so that even just one mishandled bag or customer service delay could have prevented you all from winning poker hand rankings award,” said Vice President of Airport Services Planning Kevin Ward. “There are some stations across the system that have never won poker hand rankings award, so team Beaumont beating 52 others to win poker hand rankings for the third time is quite a significant accomplishment.”

Way to rack up those trophies, BPT!

Gallery: BPT wins calvin lee poker Cup Number Three (Sept

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