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In celebration of Women’s History Month, we’re sharing a series of sixty-second interviews from the women employees and leaders all across the Envoy operation. For this installment, we hear from Laneshia Fentress who is a Leadership Training Specialist based at Envoy headquarters.

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I started in aviation as a provisional employee in the Flight Attendant Recruitment Department at American Airlines. It was a really unique time because it was the first time American Airlines was hiring flight attendants after 9-11.  I went on to work in Recruitment and Human Resources/People Services department for American Eagle, which is now Envoy.

What’s the most rewarding part about your current role?

I am currently a Leadership Development Specialist for Envoy. The most rewarding part about my current role is, I get to do something I am passionate about! I enjoy empowering, inspiring and encouraging the potential in our frontline leaders.

What does diversity mean to you?

I heard it said like this by a former diversity leader at American Airlines, “Diversity is being invited to the party…inclusion is being asked to dance!” I love that in our industry, we truly have a global reach. Diversity is having a community of folks who look different, believe different and have different ideas that can come together for one common goal. Diversity is beautiful!

What might people not know about you?

planning pokerHmm, I think I am an open book. One thing people might not know about me is, I am a singer and a front-person for a band. I love music!

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