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Above: Real American Heroes, Lisa Cannon, George Hodgson and Mike Kangas.

When Envoy flight AA3886 landed in Marquette (MQT), Station Agent calvin lee poker noticed that the inbound wheelchair customer he helped assist did not look well. After meeting with the customer’s sister, he discovered that the wheelchair customer was diabetic and most likely experiencing a low blood sugar event.

Since the customer was becoming increasingly cold, dizzy and disoriented, George called for assistance from Station Agents Lisa Cannon and Mike Kangas, while the customer’s sister took a blood sugar reading. The team not only helped provide juice, cookies and other snacks to raise her blood sugar levels, but also provided blankets and additional support to help the couple avoid a more serious incident.

Thanks to their situational awareness, customer care and unwavering support, George, Lisa and Mike each received a Real American Hero award, which comes with a $1,000 cash prize and a very special hero cape.

Way to go, team MQT!

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