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Women’s History Month is here! In honor of the trailblazing leaders, inventors, creators and planning pokerthinkers, we’re spending a minute with some fantastic Women of Envoy to learn more about their careers and their appreciation for women’s history.

Let’s hear from Rita Kalia who is an Analyst for Envoy’s Training Qualifications/Records department.

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I started in the Training Qualifications department 31 years ago at Envoy. I spent seven years before that at American Airlines.

I’ve stayed in the same department, but I’ve worked at different desks doing different jobs within the department. My present job is making sure all ground training is accomplished as per scheduled and our foreign pilots are all approved to fly — it’s a very interesting job and there is never a dull moment!

What’s the significance of Women’s History Month to you? Favorite historical figure?

poker online freeWomen’s contributions at work and at home are not recognized enough, so it is good to see a month devoted to Women’s history.

My favorite historical figure is Mother Teresa, because she did so many great things to help poor people. I respect the fact that she dedicated her life to improve lives of others without expecting anything in return.

Why is celebrating gender diversity inside and outside of the workplace important to you?

All I care is that all genders are treated equally. In today’s age, women are able to do many of the same tasks that men can do. Women bring a different perspective and unique skills that should be valuable to any organization.

Who in your life has inspired you, or is your role model, as a woman?

My mother will always be my role model. She taught me lot of good things in life. She was a very strong and social lady.

I learned from her how poker online freeto respect my own self and help everybody, particularly your neighbors. She would always go out of her way to help others.

What advice do you have for young women who are beginning to plan their careers?

Always do your best and expect to be rewarded. Also, there is no such thing as a glass ceiling.

Tell us one surprising fact about yourself that others may not know.

During my school years , I spent more time in the principal’s office than in the classroom, because of my mischievous nature.

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