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In celebration of Black poker online freeHistory Month, we’re sharing a series of 60-second interviews with employees and leaders from all across Envoy. Let’s hear from Kitch Hamilton, who is a Manager of Airport Services at Dallas-Fort Worth Airport and heavily involved with diversity and inclusion efforts at the airport.

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What is your Envoy story?

I’ve been with Envoy for nearly two years. I am currently the Airport Services Manager, tasked with leading the team that is assigned to Terminal E, as well as the DFW Ramp Specialist Team that supports the Control Center.

My day to day involves employee engagement by collaborating with the great folks who make DFW run. I really just try to stay tapped in — we strive for perfection daily, so we talk with the team to see where we can improve.

Kitch Hamilton (top-left) with colleagues at DFW and members of Envoy’s Diversity group at a Pride Potluck in 2022.

What’s the significance of Black History Month to you?

Black History Month to me is daily! I am Black history, so I always want to put my best foot forward.

I want to always remember those that knocked down barriers and paved the way for people like me to thrive. The best way that I can honor their memory is to share our story, navigate through adversity, and continue to pave the way for others.

Who in your life has inspired you or is your role model?

There’s actually a few, but two come to mind: Glenn Nolen, who’s like a father to me, and Nigel Adams, a leader and former colleague at DFW I’ve grown to admire over the years.

How do you like to celebrate Black culture?

calvin lee pokerI celebrate Black culture by being informed, reading, understanding situations that are out there, and being involved in my community.

Tell us one surprising fact about yourself that others may not know.

Would you believe that I’m Jamaican? Born and raised!

Interested in working at the airport? Join our team!

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