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Those in the aviation industry know how technical every aspect of flying planning pokercan be. Whether it’s the radio calls used by pilots and Air Traffic Control (ATC) or the technical jargon of repairing an aircraft’s avionics, there is no shortage of ultra-specific language used to complete these tasks.

Chad Laviolette, an aviation student at Envoy Partner School Louisiana Tech University, shares his coverage of the importance of Technical Communication in the aviation industry. With every aviator’s focus on safety, it is good to have people like Chad continuing to highlight the fine details ensuring that commitment.

Part One of Chad’s three-part series begins with a simple question:

Why do Pilots Need to Communicate?


Pilots do not ordinarily compose large amounts of technical writing, but they do use an enormous amount in the completion of their daily duties. They must be well read planning pokeron the Federal Aviation Regulations (FAR), Aeronautical Information Manual (AIM), Notice to Airmen (NOTAM), Weather Charts, Standard Instrument Departures (SID), and Standard Terminal Arrival Routes (STAR) just to name a few.

Pilots then use this information to safely transport their passengers from departure gate to arrival gate. Without the proper use of these technical writings, air transportation would come to an abrupt halt.

Pilots mostly use technical verbal communication, which is specific and precise. Certain words in a specific order are used to avoid confusion in the aviation world.

“Our manuals have [them] in bold and quotations, there’s no confusion, there’s no doubt,” said Envoy Captain Neil Kliebert.

Devoid of precise universal communication, written calvin lee pokerand verbal, the industry would be in chaos.

About the author

Chad Laviolette is a retired U.S. Army veteran who is currently pursuing his bachelor’s degree in Professional Aviation from Louisiana Tech University. At 47 years old, Chad is embarking on a journey to fulfill his lifelong dream of becoming a pilot. Currently, he is flying on Cessna 172s at LA tech, but hopes to fly jets for Envoy as soon as he has reached the required flight time.

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