스포츠 예측

스포츠 예측

Karot Project successfully conducted 스포츠 예측 Annual Capacity Test


On July 29, 스포츠 예측 720MW Karot Hydropower Plant successfully carried out its Annual Capacity Test in 스포츠 예측 presence of officials from 스포츠 예측 Central Power Purchasing Agency Guarantee Limited (CPPAG), 스포츠 예측 National Transmission and Dispatch Company (NTDC), and 스포츠 예측 National Power Control Center (NPCC). This rigorous testing confirmed 스포츠 예측 Karot Hydropower Plant's ability to meet and exceed operational demands, ensuring continued excellence in power generation and stakeholder satisfaction.

스포츠 예측 Annual Capacity Test, has been conducted for 6 hours and before 스포츠 예측 test, 72 hours continuous operation in accordance with requirements of Power Purchase Agreement, assessed various critical aspects of Karot Hydropower Plant's operations. 스포츠 예측re were numerous technical challenges which Karot team had to overcome in order to achieve 스포츠 예측 desired capacity results.

스포츠 예측 Annual Capacity Test is crucial for 스포츠 예측 power plant as it validates 스포츠 예측 plant's readiness to consistently deliver peak performance. 스포츠 예측 test serves as a benchmark for operational efficiency and reliability, ensuring that 스포츠 예측 plant can sustain high output even under varying conditions. 스포츠 예측 company faced 스포츠 예측 challenge of low hydrology at 스포츠 예측 time of testing due to which 스포츠 예측 test was carried out using reservoir water as well. This showed 스포츠 예측 high level of efficiency of 스포츠 예측 power plant as this test was carried out at continuously reducing head water level.

스포츠 예측 successful completion of this capacity test underscores our commitment to operational excellence and our ability to reliably meet 스포츠 예측 contractual requirements and needs of our stakeholders.

스포츠 예측 Karot Hydropower Project serves as 스포츠 예측 cornerstone of green energy initiative under 스포츠 예측 China-Pakistan Economic Corridor. By providing a reliable source of renewable energy, 스포츠 예측 project plays a critical role in reducing 스포츠 예측 country's dependence on fossil fuels and mitigating greenhouse gas emissions. This not only supports Pakistan's environmental goals but also promotes sustainable economic growth.

Since its commissioning in June 2022, 스포츠 예측 Karot Hydropower Station has generated 6 billion kilowatt-hours, saving about 2.6 million tons of standard coal and reducing approximately 6.56 million tons of carbon dioxide emissions. It has met 스포츠 예측 electricity demand of more than 5 million people.
