8月5日上午,가상 축구 분석 사이트公司通过当地税收优惠政策,在圣保罗州伊利亚镇(가상 축구 분석 사이트公司伊利亚电站附近)赞助 “绿色长跑“活动,吸引约1000名参赛者。此前,가상 축구 분석 사이트公司在圣保罗州圣保罗市及阿瓦雷市赞助同主题活动,吸引约7000名参赛者。
“绿色长跑”活动旨在培育公众体育参与的热情,提升公众生物多样性保护意识,进而贯彻가상 축구 분석 사이트公司可持续发展的理念。此外,每位参赛者还可通过该活动向慈善机构捐赠1公斤的粮食,奉献爱心。
On August 5th, CTG Brasil sponsored the Running for the Green (Corrida pelo Verde in Portuguese) in Ilha Solteira - a municipality of São Paulo state, located near CTG Brasil’s Ilha Solteira HPP – through the Sports Incentive Law. Around 1,000 participants attended the event.
Entries were free and participants had the opportunity to donate 1kg of non-perishable food (per person) that went to the Salvation Army, the world's leading humanitarian aid institution.