BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//WP EVENT Manager Ical//NONSGML Events //EN CALSCALE:GREGORIAN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20241105T180000PMZ DTEND:20241105T200000PMZ LOCATION:5416 Provine Pl, Alexandria, LA SUMMARY:Alexandria International Airport Part-Time Ramp and Customer Service Agent Hiring Event DESCRIPTION:Work with Envoy as a Part-Time Ramp and Customer Service Agent – No experience required! Join us for a hiring event where you can apply and interview on-site.When:Tuesday, November 5, 2024Session 1: 12 p.m.Session 2: 1 p.m.Session 3: 2 p.m.How to prepare/What to expect:Please remember to bring a copy of your resumé, a valid driver’s license (photocopy needed) and a second form of identification (birth certificate or passport).Please come dressed in business casual.You must be able to pass onsite drug and background test.Walk-ins are welcome but we encourage you to complete an application prior to arrival.All applicants must complete a full-time, paid training* for 30 days. As an Envoy team member you will fly for free on American Airlines PLUS receive benefits and 401K!*Shifts are subject to change. END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR