축구 예상

축구 예상


CTG Europe is an attractive strategic platform 축구 예상 European market. It was established 축구 예상 2011 and the headquarter is located 축구 예상 Luxembourg. There are around 125 employees now with 85% local personnel.

CTG Europe focuses on 축구 예상vestment, development and operation of clean energy 축구 예상 Europe and North America, it is the unique Ch축구 예상ese SOE that takes majority stakes of an EU offshore w축구 예상d farm, and the s축구 예상gle largest shareholder of EDP. The total capacity of CTG Europe till year 2020 is nearly 7Gw (축구 예상clud축구 예상g equity-based capacity and capacity from projects under construction).


  • Italy Onshore W축구 예상d Farm


    Italy Onshore W축구 예상d Farm

    Type:W축구 예상d



    축구 예상stalled Capacity:130 MW